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Project Background: Salisbury West End

In 2022, the Salisbury (NC) Police Department received federal funding through the Byrne Criminal Justice Innovations (BCJI) Program to focus on community-based violence interventions for the West End community. IDEA Analytics has supported Salisbury Police during the planning and implementation phases of the project to identify community needs, crime and disorder challenges, and establish evaluation practices. This case study highlights the efforts and initial successes of this support in the Planning Phase, occurring in 2023.

Before Community-Based Intervention: Key Observations

Planning Phase - Challenges

The historical and persistent crime and disorder incidents that focused BCJI resources for the West End community indicated to Salisbury Police and IDEA that more information about environmental factors needed to be evaluated. Due to the pandemic, there were delays in routine community assessments. These delays allowed Salisbury Police, City Planning, and Parks and Recreation partners to develop and implement an environmental survey. This survey examined public spaces (e.g., sidewalks, roadways), lighting, trash, housing, and road conditions.

Planning Phase - Actions

IDEA Analytics developed two surveys using ESRI Survey 123 to identify information about parcels and block faces for all property in the West End. All survey questions were scored, and indexes were created to develop weighted measures to identify areas that may need resources for improvements. To execute the survey, we deployed virtual training to representatives from Salisbury Police, City Planning, Parks and Recreation, and community members to prepare them for using the Survey 123 application.

Survey questions examined:

  • Sidewalk Condition
  • Appropriate Street Signage
  • Speeding/Speed Obstacles
  • Vacant Lots & Street Condition
  • Litter/Blight

IDEA Analytics staff joined representatives from the city in June 2023 to complete the survey.

Check out our WESTEND BCJI Community Meeting Story Map

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Planning Phase - Results

Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) theories indicate that changes to common environmental features (e.g., lighting, shelter, landscaping) can lower crime and disorder incidents. The environmental data collected within the West End led to the development of the West End BCJI Community Meeting Data Supplement. The West End Community Meeting Data Supplement demonstrated specific areas that would require resources from the BCJI project and/or other city resources (e.g., public works) to support CPTED efforts.

Results for the eastern area of the West End neighborhood indicated a higher need for resources. This aligned with calls for service and/or reported crime data for the neighborhood. Details for this area were explored with Salisbury Police and stakeholders to further understand resource needs for sidewalk repairs, street signage, or other CPTED interventions.

We extend our gratitude to the Salisbury Police Department for their partnership and continued support for evidence-based solutions.

About BCJI

The Byrne Criminal Justice Innovations (BCJI) Program is a strategic approach to crime reduction that utilizes community knowledge by working with law enforcement and other local partners. BCJI funding invests in jurisdictions with crime challenges seeking long term results through implementing the four elements of:

  1. Place-based Strategy
  2. Community Engagement
  3. Data and Evidence Driven
  4. Build Partnerships and Enhance Trust

Interested in learning more about BCJI past projects or the model? Here are a few links to read up on:

Cincinnati, Ohio

Austin, Texas

LISC role in BCJI

About the BCJI model with BJA

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